The Night Goddess - Ruby Beach, WA
Find some great places to travel by checking out all the links on the right hand side bar in the "Take Me To..." category, just scroll down til you find it. I also provide tags such as "The Night Sky" which will lead you to all of my star shots and learning material, just give it a click and try for yourself.
I also provide a Travel & Adventure Map which shows you on a map exactly where I took every shot in my portfolio. I love maps, so this kind of this is really fun for me!
Here are a few fun star photography links:
The Shot
Ruby beach has quickly become one of my favorite places for photography, especially star photography. I've been looking for some other star shots from Ruby, but can't seem to find any. Feel free to share your links to star shots in the comments below!
Labels: Ruby Beach, Star Photography, The Milky Way, The Night Sky, The Olympic Peninsula, Washington
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