Dave Morrow Photography: Lucy in the Sky - Palouse, Washingon

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lucy in the Sky - Palouse, Washingon

As of Sunday morning group star photography workshop season is now over for 2013, thanks to all of you that helped to completely sell out my first season of workshops. It was a blast meeting 90+ new photographers, and learning a lot along the way. The 2014 schedule will be released in the next 3 or 4 months. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the new workshop schedule & locations please enter your email below ( And no I won't SPAM you;)). Thanks!

My Online Star Photography Post Processing Group Workshop still has 3 spots left for anyone that's interested:)

Now it's time to head out on some of my own adventures. The look ahead report says 5 days in Oregon with Conor MacNeill & Greg Annandale starting this weekend, then 11 days in China with Paul Weeks. After that it's off to the East Coast to do some scouting for dark skies, and new locations to fill all those requests I got for star photography workshops all over the country. December brings more adventures of San Francisco and the Southern California coast, but hey, busy is never a bad thing right?

The Shot ( Processed using the skills shown in my Star Photography Post Processing Video Tutorial )
My buddy Connor and I pushed through the 4.5 hour drive out to Palouse Falls and arrived just in time for an amazing sunset. By amazing I mean one of the best I have seen since picking up a camera. After enjoying the nice color and vivid blue hour, we packed up and went looking for some dark skies. Driving through the Palouse in the middle of the night is always fun, here is one of the shots I captured. On a side note, would you rather scroll through a large picture as seen below, or be able to see the full image on your screen? For the later of you just click on the picture and head on over to the portfolio view.
from www.DaveMorrowPhotography.com

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