Dave Morrow Photography: Sixty Six North - West Fjords, Iceland

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sixty Six North - West Fjords, Iceland

Sifting through emails and comments is seemed like everyone liked the post processing info last time, so  I'll include some more every now and then. It's really nice getting responses and emails from everyone here and there, especially when they come in from all over the world. I read each and every one, and try to answer them all as well:)

There are 7 more days for you to enter in the Star Photography Workshops Free Give Away Contest, it's free and the grand prize is free admission to my last star photography workshop for the summer.

The Shot
After devouring one of the best fish dinners of our lives in Ísafjörður, we loaded up the camper and headed for a 2 day trek even deeper into the West Fjords. This part of the island is my favorite, and at times, you don't see another person for days. Every now and then we would stop, or swerve down one of the little roads that jut off of main road. This shot was captured at the bottom of a pretty steep hill, needless to say the camper had a pretty hard time making it back up.

Post Processing Info

Processing Time: 1.5 hours
Music: Deep House / Electro Playlist
Drink: Sailor Jerry Rum, on the rocks w/ lime.

Lightroom 4 
  1. Single RAW exposure taken at 0EV. ( Always watch the histogram to make sure no data is dropping off the light or dark ends when shooting a single exposure )
  2. Adjust file within LR4 Develop Module to bring out all the colors and details.
Photoshop CS6
  1. Apply Tony Kuypers Luminosity Masking Actions & Techniques adjusting Light, Mid-tone, and dark regions of picture for contrast and color balance. Note: This is not an HDR brush through masking technique using channels like the last post, but a curves adjustment confined by luminosity masks.
  2. Slight color adjustment with color correction function in OnOne Perfect Photo Suite
  3. Apply Jaime Ibarra's Color grading techniques + a few of my own to obtain a unique overall look and feel for the water and the sky.
  4. Final curves / lighting adjustments, and painting out a few pieces of sensor dust using clone tool.
  5. Apply slight vignette with Nik Color Efex Pro 4, Darken / Lighten Center preset.
read more about my trip to Iceland at www.DaveMorrowPhotography.com

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