Dave Morrow Photography: Rock This - Manhattan, NYC

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rock This - Manhattan, NYC

Ever since picking up a camera 17 months ago I have come to realize that my sleep schedule is non-existant so I'll continue to post at 2AM and wake up 2 hours later for sunrise. To make up for  that lame intro paragraph/excuse, here is a discount for Topaz Labs or HDR Soft the Makers of Photomatix software packages. To take advantage of this offer use the coupon code DAVEMORROWPHOTO when checking out to receive 15% off:) Interested in all the other stuff I use in the field and at the computer? My post on Gear, Gadgets & Other Good Stuff should have all the answers.

The Shot
All my shots from NYC run together to the point that I have no idea when this was taken, just that what you see in front of you is Chinatown NYC. I also remember squeezing my 14-24mm lens through a very small crack to get the view seen here. None the less it's a very cool place to wander, explore and get some amazing food so check it out for yourself:)

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