Dave Morrow Photography: March 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

What Dreams Become - Crater Lake, Oregon

Over the past 2 weeks I've been working on a few projects which include an exclusive / in depth Star Photography Tutorial for PetaPixel & an interview with Astrum People. Make sure you head on over and check them both out when you get a chance.

For anyone else that may be interested my Summer Star Photography Workshops @ Mount Rainier National Park still have a few open spots for August. There are about 5 left so grab one while you still can! Both July workshops are sold out, but you can email me to be placed on the wait list. 

The Shot
My buddy Paul Weeks and I drove from Seattle last Friday night and arrived at Crater Lake around 3AM. This gave us just enough time to snowshoe out for some predawn and sunrise shots. The next day we ended up hiking a few more miles and camping on on the top of the Watchman Lookout which gives a full view of the lake from above. This time of year at Crater Lake is amazing as there are hardly any people up there.

As far as shooting goes I took 2 shots for depth of field, and another shot for the stars about 30 minutes before the other 2 shots. The (2) focus shots were blended by hand in Photoshop for depth of field, and the shot for the stars was blended using Photoshop Lighten Blend Mode with a few extra adjustments. Read the full blogpost here --> http://www.davemorrowphotography.com/2014/03/what-dreams-become-crater-lake-oregon.html

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Solace - Xingping, China

After a month intermission from the website, internet and business side of photography I'm back in action. There's nothing better than a nice long break to clear the mind. Over the break I was fortunate enough to visit Norway, Sweden, New York City, and Oregon.

The main goal of visiting Norway and Sweden was to step foot inside the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights. To do so we Flew into Kiruna, Sweden and rented a car. From there we took 10 days and drove over 2000 miles around the Fjords and into Norway. Due to a stagnant weather system with clouds that constantly followed us we kept an eye on the weather, finally finding some clear skies and the Aurora. Out of the entire trip we were able to see the light 3 times, all of which had some pretty nice activity.

I've included a few "snapshots" that I took while traveling below as well as a video. Currently the portfolio shots are in work and I'll be posting a few in the coming weeks.

Beautiful Sunset in the Arctic
Sunset in Northern Norway
Coastal Mountains, Norway
Foggy Afternoon along the Norwegian Coastline
69 degrees North, Norway
Massive Peaks at 68 Degrees North
Reine, Norway
Reine Norway
Shooting Above Hong Kong
A Random Shot the Paul Weeks Just Gave Me. Taken in Hong Kong

The Shot
After returning from my trips I was really to get back on the computer and start post processing some shots. This shot comes from one of the best places I've ever traveled to, Xingping, China. We set out early one morning while it was still dark to take some shots of the fisherman at sunrise. After venturing up the Lijiang River in the dark/mist/rain the sun popped out for a few seconds and allowed us time to get some good shots.

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