Dave Morrow Photography: Cannon Blast - Cannon Beach, Oregon

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cannon Blast - Cannon Beach, Oregon

Does anyone else amass an insane amount of emails when they go away for a bit? Normally I can check these once in a while and cut down on the disaster waiting for me upon return, but when overseas without cell phone service all bets are off. None the less, I kinda like responding and sending emails, so this afternoon will be enjoyable, sorting through pictures and doing "online stuff". That being said, I am back from another amazing trip to Iceland, which may just become a yearly ritual for me:)

The Shot
During the summer my girlfriend Meghan and I often explore the Oregon Coast. This is easily one of our favorite places to lay around and spend the day having a few drinks. Usually I'll snap off some pictures here and there too. 
Cannon Blast - Cannon Beach, Oregonfrom www.DaveMorrowPhotography.com

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